Monday, August 17, 2009

Don't blame the new victim!

It is funny how some women have this honey moon like relationship with their exes after their divorce (Hey, I had one of those). Must of the time these are the children of divorced parents that don’t want their kids to go through what they went through.
One day this wonderful man and father that they divorced for a reason, starts a new relationship and also starts, let’s say…. forgetting to call the kids. Not that he called that often before, but it goes from once a month, maybe, to every four months, to none at all.
What puzzles me is that automatically the new lady in his life gets blamed for it. Come on ladies… That new person in his life is just a victim! The person that is going to deal with what you left. Poor lady!
Think about it... Did he ever really and honestly care about the kids? Where was he on the first day of school? To how many play dates, parks, and libraries did he take the kids on his days off? Yeah, it was his day off but he was probably too tired to take you guys out. Did he by any chance find some magical source of energy when his siblings, friends or boss called? He was always up to anything then. Sounds familiar?
Well, forget Ms. New Lady she is not at fault at all. You are the only one to blame for marrying the jerk in the first place. Enjoy your kids as much as you can because they are the best, and probably the only thing, you got out of it besides experience. Try to make them as happy as you can avoiding to bad mouth the other person. Yes, it is not easy at all but one day Mr. Not So Wonderful will have some explanation to do. Maybe that day your kids will be the only people he can turn to.
Must importantly, It is hard to forgive when is our children that you are seeing hurt but you have to do it and teach them the same. Forgiveness is nothing but a gift you get from God. Forgiveness gives you freedom and enables you to raise your children in a healthier environment. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Así quedamos...
Enlazamos las palabras
Sin convencimientos,
Tus labios acariciando mi voz
Y viceversa.
Esa fue la palabra del día
O tal vez fue...
No se si son más tuyas
O más mías las palabras.
Pero desconfianza...
Va a mitad.
O tal vez gané yo.
Me quedo con mis ganas,
Que no son así... tan explísitas,
Con mi protagonismo involuntario
E invisible.
¿Qué mas me quedo?
Nuestra fidelidad casi intacta
Y nuestra amistad.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Niña soñadora

Tejedora de sueños, pescadora de caricias
Perdiste la certeza de la última esperanza.
Vendedora de ensueños sin oscuras malicias
Perdiste la batalla contra la cruel distancia.

Le ganaste la guerra a los odios voráces
Le ganaste a la lógica y a la rebeldía,
Aprendiste a cazar estrellas fugáces
Pero te queda mucho que aprender todavía.

Reparaste ilusiones que llegaban tardías.
Repartiste sonrisas, la tuya regalaste,
Pero al llegar al fondo del saco que tenías
Te ha quedado en las manos lo que no olvidaste.

¿Quién va a poder ahora tejerte a tí tu sueño?
Ya no aceptas caricias, tampoco quieres dar.
¿Quién habrá que reviva ese amor tan pequeño?
El único que estás dispuesto a regalar.

Hoy pasé por tu puerta y la encontré cerrada
Y una nota decía que te ibas muy lejos
Para olvidar que te has perdido en su mirada,
Para olvidar su sombra pegada a tus reflejos.

¿Pero de qué te sirve triste pescadora?
No podrás olvidarlo aunque salgas huyendo.
Vuelve a casa, regresa, niña soñadora
Que hasta el fín de tus días lo seguirás queriendo.